How Waterproof is EVA? Understanding the Material’s Moisture Resistance Properties

Summary: How Waterproof is EVA? EVA material boasts impressive waterproof capabilities, making it valuable for diverse applications. Key factors contributing to its waterproof nature include its hydrophobic surface, closed-cell structure, and flexibility. Case studies demonstrate its effectiveness in raincoats, packaging, and flooring. However, EVA’s waterproofness can be affected by temperature, pressure, chemical exposure, and must be considered when choosing materials for specific projects.

How Waterproof is EVA?

EVA, a lightweight and flexible material widely used in various applications, raises the question of its waterproof capabilities. While it offers excellent moisture resistance, understanding the degree of waterproofing and its limitations is crucial for informed use.

Properties Contributing to Waterproofness:

EVA material boasts several characteristics that contribute to its waterproof nature. These include:

  • Hydrophobic Surface: EVA has a hydrophobic surface, meaning it repel water molecules. This property prevents water from readily absorbing into the material.
  • Closed Cell Structure: The closed-cell structure of EVA prevents water from penetrating the material. The air trapped inside the cells creates a barrier against moisture.
  • Flexible and Durable: EVA’s flexibility allows it to withstand bending and flexing without compromising its waterproofness.

Case Studies:

1. Waterproof Raincoats:

EVA-based raincoats are highly effective in protecting against rain and water splashes. The thickened EVA plastic used in these raincoats creates a robust barrier that keeps moisture out. Case studies have shown EVA raincoats to remain dry even in moderate rain conditions.

2. Waterproof Packaging:

EVA is widely used in packaging for electronics and other sensitive items due to its excellent waterproof properties. Its ability to withstand water exposure ensures the protection of enclosed items during transportation or storage.

3. Waterproof Flooring:

EVA flooring systems are often employed in wet areas such as bathrooms and kitchens due to their waterproof characteristics. The material effectively prevents water from seeping into the underlying structure, ensuring a dry and comfortable environment.


While EVA offers impressive waterproof capabilities, it’s not entirely impenetrable to water. Factors like:

  • Temperature: EVA’s waterproofness degrades slightly at higher temperatures.
  • Pressure: High-pressure water can potentially penetrate EVA material.
  • Chemical Exposure: Certain chemicals can weaken EVA’s waterproofing properties.


EVA material exhibits excellent waterproof qualities, making it suitable for various applications. Its hydrophobic surface, closed cell structure, and flexibility contribute to its effective moisture resistance. However, understanding the limitations and ensuring appropriate material selection are crucial for successful implementation.


1. How does EVA contribute to waterproofness?

Answer: EVA has a hydrophobic surface and a closed-cell structure, which repel water molecules and prevent moisture from penetrating the material.

2. What are some applications where EVA’s waterproof capabilities are beneficial?

Answer: EVA is used in raincoats, packaging, flooring, and various other applications where moisture resistance is crucial.

3. What factors can affect EVA’s waterproofness?

Answer: Temperature, pressure, and chemical exposure can influence EVA’s waterproof characteristics.

4. What is the main advantage of EVA compared to other materials in terms of waterproofing?

Answer: EVA’s flexibility allows it to withstand bending and flexing without compromising its waterproofness, making it suitable for various applications.

5. What are the limitations of EVA’s waterproofness?

Answer: EVA is not entirely waterproof and can degrade under high temperatures, pressure, or exposure to certain chemicals.