Low density EVA foam vs high-density EVA foam

  Low density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam are two different types of foam materials, with significant differences in density, performance, and application. Understanding these differences helps to better select and use foam materials that are suitable for specific needs.

Custom 15-75 hardness EVA foam sheet - 3

  Firstly, low-density EVA foam typically has a lower density, larger pores, and a more porous structure. This type of foam material usually has good softness and elasticity, as well as good cushioning performance and shock absorption effect. Therefore, low-density EVA foam is widely used in situations that require softness, comfort, and shock absorption, such as insoles, seat cushions, mattresses, etc.

  In contrast, high-density EVA foam has a higher density, smaller pores, and a more compact structure. This type of foam material usually has good hardness and support, as well as good wear resistance and durability. Therefore, high-density EVA foam is widely used in situations that require hardness, support, and durability, such as manufacturing shoe soles, sports equipment, automotive accessories, etc.

  In addition to differences in density and performance, there are also significant differences in the production process between low-density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam. Due to the larger pores of low-density EVA foam, more foaming agents and longer foaming time are required in the production process, while high-density EVA foam requires less foaming agents and shorter foaming time. In addition, the processing technology and formula of the two materials are also different to meet different performance requirements.

  In summary, there are significant differences between low-density EVA foam and high-density EVA foam in terms of density, performance, production, and application. Understanding these differences helps to better select and use foam materials that are suitable for specific needs. By selecting according to actual needs and uses, the advantages of each material can be fully utilized to improve the performance and quality of the product.

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