What are the Safety Concerns Surrounding EVA Material in Baby Products?

Summary: Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) material, commonly used in baby products like teething toys, bottles, and pacifiers, is under scrutiny due to potential health risks. While EVA itself is non-toxic, it often contains harmful additives like phthalates and PBDEs. These chemicals have been linked to neurodevelopmental problems, hormonal disruptions, cancer risks, and other health concerns. Research suggests safer alternatives like silicone, polypropylene, and natural rubber are available for baby products.

Is EVA Material Safe for Babies?

Ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) is widely used in various baby products like teething toys, bottles, and pacifiers. Despite marketing claims of non-toxicity, concerns linger about the safety of EVA material for babies.

Potential Risks of EVA Material:

Polyurethane, the main ingredient in EVA, is non-toxic itself. However, it often contains added flame-retardants like phthalates and PBDEs (polybrominated diphenyl ethers). These chemicals have been linked to several health concerns, including:

  • Neurodevelopmental problems: PBDEs are suspected to mimic the effects of thyroid hormones and disrupt brain development in children.
  • Hormonal disruptions: Phthalates can mimic estrogen and disrupt hormonal balance, potentially affecting fertility and development.
  • Cancer risks: Some studies suggest possible associations between exposure to phthalates and certain types of cancer.

Concerns Regarding EVA Testing:

Furthermore, EVA material often tests positive for formamide, a probable human carcinogen. While its presence in EVA products is debated, the potential exposure of babies to this harmful chemical raises additional concerns.

Case Studies:

  • In 2019, the FDA recalled several brands of teething toys made from EVA due to high levels of phthalates.
  • Research in California revealed phthalates in 98% of tested baby bottles, raising concerns about long-term exposure to these chemicals.

Alternative Safe Materials:

Fortunately, safer alternatives to EVA material exist for baby products. Materials like silicone, polypropylene, and natural rubber offer:

  • Improved chemical safety with minimal to no known harmful substances.
  • Enhanced durability and flexibility.
  • Biodegradability and eco-friendliness.


While EVA material is often marketed as safe for babies, potential risks associated with its chemical composition cannot be ignored. Opting for safer materials like silicone or polypropylene is always recommended for peace of mind.


Q: Is EVA material safe for babies?

A: There are concerns about the safety of EVA material due to the presence of potentially harmful chemicals like phthalates and PBDEs.

Q: What are the potential risks of EVA material for babies?

A: Potential risks include neurodevelopmental problems, hormonal disruptions, and cancer risks associated with exposure to phthalates and other additives.

Q: What are some safer alternatives to EVA material for baby products?

A: Alternatives like silicone, polypropylene, and natural rubber offer improved chemical safety and are more durable and flexible.

Q: What are the concerns regarding EVA testing?

A: EVA material often tests positive for formamide, a probable carcinogen, raising additional concerns about potential exposure to harmful chemicals.