What is eva foam board?

  EVA foam board is a kind of foam board made of ethylene vinyl acetate copolymer (EVA). It is light, soft, abrasion resistant and widely used in packaging, construction, automobile and other fields. This article will share the technical characteristics, application fields and production process of EVA foam board.

The production standards of EVA foam in Europe

  Technical characteristics

  Lightweight: EVA foam board is lightweight, which can reduce the weight of products and facilitate transportation and use.

  Soft: EVA foam board has soft characteristics, can provide good cushioning and shock absorption performance, and effectively protect products from impact and vibration.

  Wear resistance: EVA foam plate has good wear resistance, and can keep shape and size stable for a long time.

  Environmental protection: EVA material is an environmentally friendly material that can be recycled and meets environmental requirements.


  application area

  Packaging field: EVA foam board can be used to manufacture various types of packaging materials, such as cushioning packaging, shockproof packaging, etc., to provide good protection performance and effectively protect products from damage during transportation.

  Building field: EVA foam board can be used in building thermal insulation, sound insulation and other fields, with good thermal insulation performance and sound insulation effect.

  Automotive field: EVA foam panels can be used to manufacture car seats, door panels and other interior parts, providing good comfort and cushioning performance.

  Other fields: EVA foam board can also be used to manufacture various products that need to be light, soft and wear-resistant, such as sports equipment, electronic equipment, etc.


  Production process

  Material preparation: Mix EVA material in a certain proportion, add an appropriate amount of foaming agent and other additives, and stir evenly.

  Molding and foaming: put the mixed materials into the mold, and form a foam board after high-temperature and high-pressure foaming.

  Cooling and cutting: cool and cut the foamed foam board for subsequent processing and use.

  Processing and forming: according to the requirements of products, foam boards are processed and formed, such as cutting, bonding, stamping, etc.



  EVA foam board is a kind of lightweight, soft and wear-resistant foam board, which is widely used in packaging, construction, automobile and other fields. Its excellent cushioning and shock absorption performance can effectively protect products from impact and vibration, while also having good wear resistance and environmental performance. In the future development, with the continuous progress of technology and the continuous expansion of application fields, EVA foam board will be applied and developed in more fields.

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