What is the purpose of splicing EVA with different hardness?

splicing EVA with different hardness

Splicing EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) with different hardness levels serves several purposes:

1. Cushioning and Shock Absorption: EVA is a material known for its excellent cushioning and shock-absorbing properties. By splicing EVA with varying levels of hardness, it is possible to create a more customized cushioning system. Softer EVA regions can provide enhanced cushioning, while harder regions offer stability and support.

2. Pressure Distribution: Different parts of the foot experience varying amounts of pressure during walking or physical activities. By using EVA with different hardness levels strategically, it is possible to optimize pressure distribution. Softer EVA can be placed in areas that require more cushioning, such as the heel or forefoot, while firmer EVA can be used in areas that need stability, such as the arch.

3. Foot Support and Alignment: The splicing of EVA with different hardness levels can also be employed to provide specific support and alignment features. For example, a firmer EVA section can be placed in the arch area to provide higher arch support and prevent overpronation. This helps promote proper foot alignment and reduces the risk of discomfort or injuries.

4. Customization and Performance: Splicing EVA with different hardness allows for a more customized approach to shoe design. By tailoring the hardness levels to specific foot types or activities, shoe manufacturers can create footwear that meets the unique needs of individuals or enhances performance in sports and physical activities.

By combining different hardness levels of EVA, shoe manufacturers can optimize cushioning, pressure distribution, support, and overall comfort, resulting in footwear that better meets the specific requirements and preferences of users.

More materials can be found here: https://www.eva-block.com/products/

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